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  • in reply to: Is Benicar Bad For Gout? #16418
    Al O’Purinol

    Before using this Benicar medication, tell your doctor or pharmacist your medical history, especially of: gout, kidney disease, liver disease, lupus, severe loss of body water and minerals.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Do Not Post.
    in reply to: Do I have Gout? #14924
    Al O’Purinol

    Thank you for the reply. I think you’re right in terms of the diet thing, I definitely need to be more healthy. Like I said, I’ve been losing weight and I if I keep up what I’m doing now within a year I should be back to a much healthier weight. I thought I had mentioned it in my post but I’m only 25, which is why I wasn’t sure if hyperuricemia could lead to gout in only a few years (barring a genetic predisposition). I was extremely active and healthy prior to the last couple years (a bit of a health/gym nut, which makes my descent into unhealthiness even stranger) so I know how to take care of myself in that regard.

    Time to just hunker down and be healthy and hope that it’s enough to curb any further issues. Thanks again for the detailed response.

    in reply to: Need Help !!! #14751
    Al O’Purinol

    Sorry, ESR ?& CRP are inflamation test. ?Thanks for the advise maybe the cold i live in the midwest of USA

    in reply to: Indomethacin gave me breathing problems! #14648
    Al O’Purinol

    Hi Keith,

    thanks for your response. ?I gave up last night & had an Indomethacin and seem to be OK so I’m going to just try one a day to control the pain for the next couple of days at the most. I was trying to get hold of my results from a blood test I had 2 weeks ago to see if my UA had dropped since I went up to 300mg Allopurinol, but I’ll have to wait until I come back off holiday next week. I have only got 300mg tablets now otherwise I would try 400 for a couple of days – I’m not sure if 600 would be too much? Do you think 600 would hurt for a few days to try & drop my UA level?



    ps yes that is my shop!

    in reply to: Tophi #5029
    Al O’Purinol

    This forum is now closed.

    Please see latest tophi information:

    You can share your gouty tophi photographs at

    in reply to: Gout and Itching #12290
    Al O’Purinol

    Andrew said:

    Are these new gout attack locations due to “stealth” deposits of uric acid crystals that would have eventually caused a “bad” gout attack? What's next after my knees? My hips? And then? My UA number is well into the therapeutic levels (has been checked monthly). Is this discussed someplace else in the forum? I'd like to know more.

    I can't remember if it has been fully discussed before, but?gout attacks during treatment for lowering uric acid?is certainly discussed now [link removed – discussion closed]. Please read my explanation of?Lowering Uric Acid: What Are The Pitfalls?, then start a new discussion if necessary.

    in reply to: diagnosis – gout v.podagra v. hallux #6661
    Al O’Purinol

    Hi All,

    thank you All for your input. I would consider looking for another GP if I don’t get referred to a rheumatologist. Same as Utubelite I only have pain when I put my foot on the ground, I have no pain while resting.

    Could someone answer my other question – is podagra another name for gout?

    in reply to: Meds Not Working #5688
    Al O’Purinol

    I went to the Rheumatologist the other day. She is a DO as opposed to an MD. She seems very smart on Gout . I have had numerous bouts with gout in my feet and ankles, but this last bout in my knees is a killer…since June. I think that there is something else going on in my knees besides gout. I showed the Rhum doc the test I had last month on the fluid my orthopedic doc drained from my knee, and he wrote “GOUT”across the top of the lab page. He took 100cc of yellow fluid from each knee and gave me a shot of steroid in each. Ten days later I went back wit both knees swollen again and he drew 50 cc off my right knee but didn't do anything on the left knee. Then I went to walMart and walked around, and my right knee was right back where it was an hour before, as in swollen again. The crystals from the Orthepedic lab were “calcium oxalates in a background of rare white cells”. My Rhum doc said those crystals are not gout crystals and are more indicative of someone with kidney issues. The Rhum lab took blood for a liver screen due to taking Urolic and a uric acid test. She told me to keep taking the Urolic for now. She set me up with and appt with a kidney specialist on Oct 1 and a visit with her  later the same day. She also gave me an RX for an MRI of both of my knees which I will do tomorrow. My knees are still killing me, and I can not walk far with out pain. This has all started since June 09. Will keep you posted. Comments are welcome. Thanks

    in reply to: Gout in knee #5589
    Al O’Purinol

    Thanks for all the comments and advice. Gout has gone but did some major damage to my knee. Had an MRI done and the results were- partially torn ACL and PCL, torn MCL, and bursitis in the knee. Who knew you can do this much damage to your knee with out playing sports. Play high school and college football without any injuries and now I get gout in my knee and tear up my knee. I think I finally had this coming for being over weight but now I will lose the weight and get a healthy diet. The worst part is having to explain to people how I injured my knee when they ask. Kinda of embarrasing but hey it was my fault to begin with. Thanks again for the comments and advice it's good to know I'm not alone out there with this problem.

    in reply to: Gout Swollen Foot! Can you get gout in the whole foot? #5503
    Al O’Purinol

    I am a 54-year-old male 6′ 4″ and my weight varies from 215 to 230 lbs. I had my 1st gout attack when I was 29 years old and my doctor withdrew the fluid from the gouty joint to make sure. It was very painful and I thought he was joking when he said what he was going to do. At that time I don’t remember what might have triggered the attack but I played basketball 3 to 4 times a week for hours. I also would drink lots of beer every day.

    A bad gout attack will make your foot throb with sharp jabbing pains. Your whole foot can swell to where your toes do not touch the floor. The area affected will turn red and shiny. It is so sensitive that even a sheet hurts. I have had severe attacks that lasted 2-3 weeks. It hurt so bad that I would put ice or frozen towels on it. I have read since that cold is bad since it thickens the blood and causes more crystals to form.

    The cure really bad attack was a shot of colchicine in the butt administered by a very cute nurse.  I was told by my Dr. that Allopurinol is good for controlling uric acid but can actually precipitate a gout attack and that it should not be used during a gout attack. I usually take colchicine and, during an attack or when I feel the gout twinge, will take Indomethacin or Indocine. It is a NS-AID and is very strong. My father and brother both have gout, and we call the Indocine pills the Green Bombers. I have found Indocine to be the most effective med but I try not to take it because it is hard on the body.

    I have found that stressful situations and stress on a joint (jumping, squatting, walking or running) can trigger an attack. I also have sleep apnea and have found that I will wake in the middle of the night with gout pain. It is usually gone in the morning. I have had attacks triggered by long flights (14 to 15 hours), walking on cobblestone roads. I think the sure formula for an attack is eating lots of red meat or pork, shrimp or seafoods, beans, drinking about 6 to 7 -12 or 16 oz beers in one day, standing or walking all day. Someone mentioned spaghetti sauce as causing gout but I think any sauce made with meat or organ meat will bring up the uric acid. Meatless sauce should be OK. I usually drink lots of distilled water and cut out meat and booze at the first sign of an attack.

    I have also gotten attacks by not eating for long periods of time so it is not always what you eat but how often. I still play hoops once a week to keep my weight down but have to remember not to over do it. I hope some of this was helpful to someone.


    in reply to: Gout in knee #5455
    Al O’Purinol

    I've had the exact same thing happen….the most painful thing I ever experienced, for me I was rocking back in a chair while trying to elevate my knee, when my knee gave out and i came down on it.  The pain and swelling will go down eventually.  I too thought it was a tear but it wasn't, but you probably did some major damage that will take time to heal.

    in reply to: Gout in knee #5251
    Al O’Purinol

    gout pain has ended but swelling in knee as not passed. I don't know if I should stop with the medication or continue. Any answers for this.

    in reply to: Gout Swollen Foot! Can you get gout in the whole foot? #4833
    Al O’Purinol

    DuckBoat said:

    I have had recurring gout for the last 4 weeks. It subsides after using Prednisone for a few days but then returns.

    My whole foot is swollen like a balloon.

    Is this normal with gout?

    Yes! That is normal to have a swollen foot. My foot is swollen, and I am pain – Nurofen and Votrol has brought me instant relief

    in reply to: High Altitude Gout #4813
    Al O’Purinol

    My job means I need to do fair bit of travel including long haul flights.  I find that after a long flight the build up begins in one or both feet.  It's a real pain!! Yell

    in reply to: Help my gout! #4195
    Al O’Purinol

    Hi all,

    Just to let you know…(sorry I'm late replying!)

    The gout all but disappeared the day after I drank the Black Bean broth! I made it just before I went to bed, and woke up (almost) symptom free

    Now whether this would've happened anyway, or not, you can be sure I'll be using BBB the moment I get my next attack…which, of course,  I hope won't ever happen.

    Many, many thanks, Metamorph. You've made a believer out of me!



    in reply to: Achilles Tendon Destroyed By Gout #4042
    Al O’Purinol

    I  had 2 uric acid tests done 2-3 years ago. 1st one was high and 2nd one normal. I made a big effort to eat a low-purine diet so I think that is why my 2nd uric acid test was within normal range. At that I also had a gout attack on my ankle and I couldn't walk. So I'm fairly certain my tight achilles has to do with gout. I'm going to talk to my doctor about treatment, but I just need to monitor my diet better and lose weight.

    in reply to: Achilles Tendon Destroyed By Gout #4032
    Al O’Purinol

    I am wondering if I am just getting over a gout attack on my achilles. I have had gout attacks on the big toe and ankle, but it had been a few years. My ankle was swollen and my achilles was so tight that I didn't have good range of motion. I couldn't bend my knee forward because it was so tight. I told my doctor I didn't have any tauma to my foot, but my ankle and achilles were hurting. I do sports, so after an MRI and visits with a podiatrist and PT they just said it was a tight achilles and gave me exercises. WHat happened was my achilles suddenly felt fine after my toe on my other foot started hurting (it was weird). So I have an appointment with my doc next week to discuss.

    in reply to: Achilles Tendon Destroyed By Gout #3996
    Al O’Purinol

    I am just getting over an awful attack in my achilles.  It was one of those moving attacks, which eventually lock into one specific spot – this time happened to be my ankle, and more specifically my achilles.  I did have reconstructive ankle surgery, over 10 years ago – I am sure that had something to do with that specific spot.  But out of all the attacks I have had, this one, and this location was the worst. 

    in reply to: High Altitude Gout #2766
    Al O’Purinol

    Airline Flight Precipitating Gout Attack?

    I recently suffered my first attack of gout at age 60 after mildly injuring my ankle and then flying from N.Y. to CA two days later. The pain and swelling started in my ankle on the flight but, by a week later, had migrated to the big-toe joint way more intensely. Has this co-incidence of airline flight and/or injury been noted anywhere else?

    in reply to: Comparison of Side Effects: Febuxostat vs. Allopurinol #2762
    Al O’Purinol

    fubuxostat (Uloric)

    We just learned that fubuxostat  was approved by the FDA on 11/24/2008. For anyone allergic to allopurinol, this could be a great thing. It probably won’t appear in the US pharmacies until spring 2009, but we are trying to get it from Paris or Rome as it has been available in Europe for some time. Please let me know if anyone found an on-line pharmacy that ships this drug to the US without a lot of hassle.



    fubuxostat = Febuxostat(Uloric)
    fubuxostat = Febuxostat(Uloric)

    Do you need fubuxostat to control your uric acid? Gout sufferers should search for Febuxostat. Or Uloric – its brand name in the States.

    in reply to: 3 Months Later – Is It Gout ?? #2739
    Al O’Purinol

    Is It Gout?

    I am a 32 year old female – I don’t fit the “norm” of a person with gout. I have just had my first attack and am in the process of complete diagnosis (blood test, etc.) I am not overweight, no diabetes, don’t eat the foods that are known to cause uric acid buildup and no family history of gout.

    I have searched the internet for similar circumstances and can’t seem to find any. Do you know of any others that don’t fall into the “norm” that have been diagnosed with gout? Are there other ailments that I should look into for an explanation of these gout symptoms?

    in reply to: Tophi or not tophi… #2738
    Al O’Purinol

    Small Tophi

    Does the small tophi disappear with gout treatment over time? Or does it eventually get worse over time?

    in reply to: Can you massage joints to break down crystals? #2737
    Al O’Purinol

    Gout Crystals

    I seem to have crystals on the ball of my foot.  They are not painful while walking but bother me at night. I have had gout but take tart cherry upon onset and the gout in my toe disappears.  I am wondering if these crystals are gout related or nerve related?  Tart Cherry works so well as a natural treatment for gout.

    in reply to: Allopurinol and Colchicine Not Working #3915
    Al O’Purinol

    thank you for replying so quickly.  I am under a doctors care and have been for quite a few month.  I take a blood test every month to check my uric acid and it remains high.  I have been on allopurinol for months and it is not helping.  Other pain meds have been tried but cannot take for too long due to kidney problem.  I think i am beginning to realize that there is not much that can be done to alleviate the pain and crystals.  I guess i will just have to learn to live with the pain and hope it does not become worse.  I will keep  reading as much as i can about gout and hope someone can give me more answers

    thank you again

    in reply to: Allopurinol and pH #3824
    Al O’Purinol

    I'm embarrassed about that last email–I must not have proofread!  Anyway, I drink Tang, add 1/2 of a fresh lemon to a  large glass of water (and I have about 100 ounces of water per day), I add sundried tomatoes to any recipe I can, I eat fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, have only 2-3 ounces of meat per day, fresh green peppers, low fat cheese (2 ounces a day), and nonfat cottage cheese.  The idea, of course, is to prevent the formation of a new stone.  I can't decide how worried to be, though, because this one took about 40 years to form.  I have had pain in the right kidney for many years, but the doctors couldn't find a reason for it, so according to them nothing was wrong!!  These stones don't show up on x-ray.  Who knew??!  I appreciate your response and have found your website very helpful.  Thanks

    in reply to: Food To Lower Uric Acid? #3832
    Al O’Purinol

    What foods can I eat to  lower my uric acid levels?

    in reply to: Can a "stubbed toe" bring on a gout attack? #2654
    Al O’Purinol

    I have been trying to get back into exercising as I am a bit young (27)
    to be experiencing gout, but apparently I have too many hereditary
    factors conspiring against me. So far I have only had two flare-ups,
    the latter caused by an exercise injury.

    Understanding the importance of hydration long before I found out about
    this condition, I typically over-hydrate before, get dehydrated during,
    then re-hydrate immediately after (as in, on the way to the car) any
    exercise activity. These had mostly been hikes, runs, or workouts
    scattered a couple to a month. After the first flare-up, caused by an
    excessive work schedule (I work in a busy restaurant) of 4 15+ hour
    days in a row, I made sure to keep my water levels up as much as
    possible. This prevented flare-ups for over a year.

    Then, in world cup fever, I was persuaded to play some pick up soccer
    on a day off. I took my usual precaution before hand. However, while
    playing, I tripped and had a spectacular spill that culminated in a
    forward roll. After playing for a while longer, I realized I needed to
    get off my feet. It turned out that I twisted an ankle, scraped and
    jarred the same knee and landed on the opposing wrist. Although I made
    sure to re-hydrate, I was ignorant about other triggers and iced both
    leg joints and took aspirin (no other analgesics in the house). While
    I am sure it was the second two things that made this bout much, much
    worse than my initial attack, I am certain that it would have been
    limited to my big toe/foot as before if I hadn't hurt the other joints.
    This time, however, it hit all three of them.

    After some googling I wound up at, and your site
    has provided me with some good tips; Thank you for your efforts and the
    serendipitous discovery that I like fresh cherries (I've always assumed
    they were terrible because I hate maraschinos).

    in reply to: Folic acid and gout #3750
    Al O’Purinol

    I have been looking into this for a long time and have been gout free for 9 month until I went to Mexico all inclusive and ate every day tons of meat and drank gallons of beer.

    My cure mix before this,.. taken for 9 month, consisted of celery seed, folic acid, black cherry juice, bromelain, acetyl L-carnitine, cod liver oil, 3 liters of water per day, Ascorbic acid, E with Selenium etc.

    I wish I could measure, monitor uric acid level at home to see what works and what does not, without that all is just guessing and that is problem with gout.

    The Experts just copy each other and there is nothing new to learn. Now i have to build my immunity to gout again or is it just pseudogout?

    You know, many doctors prescribe for gout without ever finding the basics, taking sample of sinovial fluid.

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