Gout Diet Forum Introduction

The revised Gout Diet Forum is now active. I will soon transfer some old gout diet discussions into this forum. Gout diet is the last thing you should worry about on your journey to gout freedom. That's right! Every gout sufferer starts by worrying about food and drink, but you should not. In fact, you should not even think about diet until you have a gout treatment plan. Start with proper diagnosis of your symptoms so you can be certain that you do actually have gout. Get a treatment plan that ensures you set safe limits for uric acid. Eat a healthy diet, but only worry about changing it if you are failing to reach your treatment plan targets. Continue to see how you can analyze, discuss, and improve your gout diet...
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Unusual Hip Gout

I am a female my weight now is 105 lbs, I have always fought a low body weight and ate any and everything to keep weight on. I ate canned sardines and oysters; I love liverwurst!! 5 years ago I had severe pain in my hip for over a year (to the point of being disabled to work) and finally convinced my doctor to test my uric acid since gout runs in my family He argued that gout does not happen in the hip. (11.6 was the outcome). My history is of being a commercial fishing captain where I sit in a chair with my feet propped out the window and my but being to lowest center of gravity. My questions: How often does gout occur in only the hip? When it lasted as long as it did is there anything to help my hip (I rarely have flareups of gout but have constsnt pain from the prolonged gout)? I can not...
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Uric Acid Number, Uric Acid Number, Uric Acid Number

I feel I'm repeating myself here, but guess what? It is all about your Uric Acid Number. If you have any interest in gout whatsoever, then you need to know the exact level of uric acid in your blood. When you ask the bank manager for your account balance, does "OK, Nothing to worry about?" make you happy? Do you accept "Normal" and rush out on a spending spree? Of course not. You need the number. And here is why. (more…)...
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Clinical Research for Gout – San Antonio, TX

Radiant Research in Texas have announced a new gout investigational medicine research project. View Larger Map Details are few, but the researchers are looking for participants who experience occasional gout flares. Qualified participants will receive all study related care and investigational medication at no charge and may be compensated up to $350 for time and travel. (more…)...
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How Bad Are Your Feet Tophi

How Bad Are Your Feet Tophi

These images are from a summary of a new case study about tophi in the left foot. This ties in with a recent review of unusual tophi presentation (search for occupational gout) The working title of my summary is How Bad Can Feet Tophi Get? I think you'll understand the title better once you see the images, but first the abstract. Feet Tophi Case Report: Abstract Title:Multiarticular chronic tophaceous gout with severe and multiple ulcerations: a case report. Authors:Falidas E, Rallis E, Bournia VK, Mathioulakis S, Pavlakis E, Villias C. Published:J Med Case Rep. 2011 Aug 19;5:397. In my summary, I will use laymans terms to explain the medical terms and issues. Multiarticular means affecting many joints. Click to read the Feet Tophi gout case study...
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Uric Acid Level is 9.0

I had a gout attack about 6 months ago in the typical big toe.? It is still swollen a little and hurts from time to time, probably just a slight buildup of tophi.? however i have not had another gout ATTACK since then.? i had my uric acid level tested recently and it came back at 9.0.? the doctor said that is so high it's clearly not the result of just bad diet, but more than likely due to my body just not being able to break down uric acid level and/or my body producing too much of it.? she recommended i get put on Uloric and Colcrys to get the acid level down.? Do you know anything about these medicines and should i take them?? What about other options, do I have any?...
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What are your Gout Causes?

On many levels, gout causes are simple. It is simply excess uric acid that causes gout. I've recently started reorganizing my gout causes pages, and I want to make sure I have not missed any. Also, there has not been much discussion of gout causes recently, so this is the place to discuss any aspects of the causes of gout. Please note that I am not particularly interested here in what causes a single gout flare. I am interested in the underlying causes of gout. My list so far is: Kidney disease Surgery Leukemia, lymphoma, or hemoglobin disorders Medical conditions that cause rapid weight change (increase or decrease) Medications for other health conditions Exposure to lead and other metal salts Can you think of others? What are your feelings on obesity? I believe that diet can play a part, and I would add that starvation, dehydration, and malnutrition can also affect gout. I am certainly not interested in specific foods, but have you ever cured gout by completely stopping a...
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