Uloric Label Changes

Today I updated the Uloric prescribing information to reflect the changes to the liver warnings (hepatic effects). Uloric has been available since 2009, and ongoing investigations have prompted an update to warnings about possible affects of Uloric on the liver. I always maintain that it is much safer to risk rare side-effects against certain damage from untreated uric acid deposits. However, it is sensible to take precautions. Allopurinol guidelines have recently been strengthened to emphasize the need for comprehensive testing before treatment. It is right that Uloric guidelines should also be strengthened, but I wonder if the changes are enough. For the full details, please see my Uloric Liver Warnings Prompt Label Change article. What do you think of Uloric Label Changes?...
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Gout In Wrist

Gout in wrist was first discussed here in Oct 2011. The member is no longer active, but his story lives on, helping other people who wonder if you can get gout in your wrist. If you are worried about a gouty wrist, you should know that it is quite common. You can see from my survey of joints affected by gout, that 26% of people suffer gout in the wrist, or other part of the hand, excluding the index finger. So, the main thing that gout sufferers need to know is that gout can affect any joint, including wrists. The story of our GoutPal member will remind you that everyone is unique. Symptoms of gout in the wrist can vary from person to person. You can see later discussions of gouty wrists in my Can you get gout in your wrist index. At the end of this article, I will help you find gout in the wrist treatments that suit your particular...
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Gout Study Information

Gout Study Information

This is a summary of discussions about gout study information. It helps you find archived gout studies and current gout research discussions. GoutPal's Gout Study Information When gout study information helps with better gout guidelines, I update the gout website with these new gout facts. For significant new gout research, I might also write a new gout blog article. Other research generates information that is ongoing, or insufficient evidence to improve guidelines. In these cases, we discuss the likely impact generally, or personally, on our gout. Continue reading Gout Study Information...
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High Uric Acid Levels

High uric acid levels cause gout. But what does high really mean? What is high for one person, might be acceptable for another. So, the important question is: What are Your high uric acid levels? You need to know what is a high number for you, then you can find ways to lower uric acid to an acceptable level. I describe all the facts you need to know in my uric acid guidelines. However, there are also many facts that are not relevant to you. Here on GoutPal Interactive, I help you to ask your doctor the right questions about uric acid. I also help you understand your doctor's answers and recommendations. If you are worried about high uric acid levels, the best thing to do is ask your uric acid question. In your question, you should include as much uric acid test result history as you can. In fact, it is a good idea to add your uric acid test results to...
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Starting Allopurinol

Starting Allopurinol

Starting allopurinol is a worrying move for most gout sufferers. First, there's the psychological trauma of committing to a daily pill for the rest of your life. Second, there's the worry of the risk of horrendous side affects that affect some allopurinol users. Third, there's more worry about gout attacks during the first few months of allopurinol usage. These are the 3 main concerns that gout sufferers ask about in the gout forums. There are many other concerns about starting allopurinol, such as getting the right dose, or if allopurinol should be started during a gout flare. My main concern is that gout patients do not seem to get the right answers from their doctors. Whatever concerns you might have about starting allopurinol, you can be certain you will get good advice in the gout forum. Your best place to start is by reading my allopurinol guidelines. My guidelines give you all the facts you need about allopurinol. If you are specifically looking for information...
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Allopurinol Side Effects – Remedies

Sir, I am 45 year old male suffering from Gout for last about 20 years. Whenever the Uric Acid level goes high Allopurinol is used under the supervision of a physcian. But using allopurinol leads to?profuse hair fall (Alopecia) and of late now I am also experiencing skin allergy in the form of bruising skin. Please suggest some remedy for both these side effects. Thanks...
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